
“Confident in UK chocolate future”: Barry Callebaut acquires UK-based Burton’s Biscuit Company’s chocolate manufacturing assets

Barry Callebaut has completed the transaction to acquire Burton’s Biscuit Company’s chocolate manufacturing assets in the UK. It comes after the cocoa giant signed an agreement with the UK’s second biggest biscuit manufacturer, for the long-term supply of more than 12,000 tons of chocolate and compound per year in September. The deal comes just months […]


II Competencia Regional de Chocolate Centro América 2018

La Ciudad de Guatemala fue sede por primera vez de “La Segunda Competencia Regional de Chocolate”, del 01 al 05 de diciembre 2018. Lutheran World Relief (LWR) en alianza con los Internacional Chocolate Awards (ICA) trabajan en diferentes bloques territoriales promoviendo concursos que atraigan consumidores, compradores en este segmento Premium de la industrial de la […]


El consumo moderado de chocolate mantiene el colesterol y los triglicéridos bajo control

Por ser un alimento rico en nutrientes, alta fuente de antioxidantes y grasa vegetal que ayuda al sistema nervioso, el consumo moderado de chocolate ayuda a mantener el colesterol y los triglicéridos bajo control, aseguró el dermatólogo Luis Gonzalo Zúñiga Zamora, adscrito al Hospital General Regional No. 1 del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) […]


Chocolate on the brain: The candy may impact cognitive functions such as stress, study finds

Chocolate that has a high concentration of cocoa (minimally 70 percent cacao, 30 percent organic cane sugar) could have positive effects on stress levels, inflammation, mood, memory and immunity, two studies have found. The studies, which will be presented today at the Experimental Biology 2018 annual meeting in San Diego, are the first to determine […]