Crearon un novedoso producto para control de la enfermedad que más afecta al agro chileno, la Botrytis. De esta forma, prometen eliminar los desagradables hongos que aparecen en refrigeradores y extender la duración de las frutas. Muchas son las veces en las que tenemos que botar nuestras frutas o verduras por esos típicos “pelitos” que […]
Etiqueta: control
The role of taste pathology in weight gain
Woman eating a donut many elements play a part in determining weight, including genetics, environment, activity level, and stress. But research conducted by Linda M. Bartoshuk, Bushnell Professor of Food Science & Human Nutrition at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, indicates that the role of taste and the effects of […]
EC action plan to address antimicrobial resistance in food supply chain
The European Commission is to address the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance in the food supply chain with the adoption of a new action plan. The report entitled: ‘A European One Health Action Plan against Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR),’ sets out a series of directives that call for a co-ordinated approach from EU member states. Contributions […]
Repasan la nanotecnología en los alimentos durante Asamblea Jalisciense de Nutrición
Áreas como la medicina, biología, ingeniería e informática se benefician del uso de nanotecnología, en aplicaciones que van desde nuevos medicamentos, catalizadores, nanoantenas, hasta protectores solares. La nutrición es otra de las áreas que puede aprovechar las ventajas y soluciones que ofrece la nanotecnología, dado que los materiales a escala nanométrica adquieren propiedades diferentes a […]
New insights reveal how stevia controls blood sugar levels
How stevia controls blood sugar levels has remained a mystery until now as researchers think they have unravelled the natural, nocalorie sweetener’s action that results in its observed health benefits. Writing in the Nature Communications journal, the research team have identified a protein called TRPM5 that is activated by stevia. This protein plays a role […]
Arroz que crece en 43% del tiempo normal, gracias a genética
A pesar del éxito obtenido, no está autorizado para salir de los laboratorios. Investigadores japoneses han logrado controlar la floración del arroz. Tras manipular los genes que intervienen en la formación de las flores, y por tanto del fruto, obtuvieron una variedad que no florecía. Pero, al aplicarle un aerosol usado como fungicida, las flores […]
Biosensores innovadores inactivan microorganismos y monitorean procesamiento
Científicos del Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos (DCTA) de la Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro (UAAAN, México), desarrollan biosensores que inactivarán microorganismos dañinos en alimentos, además de que permitirán el monitoreo y control de las temperaturas durante su proceso, para conservar y garantizar al máximo la calidad de sus nutrientes. Los procesos térmicos […]
Avocado extract may be able to prevent Listeria in food
A study published in the Journal of Food Science shows that extracts and isolated compounds from avocado seeds may protect ready-to-eat foods against Listeria. The main objective of the study was to chemically characterize and determine the antilisterial properties of an enriched acetogenin extract (EAE) from avocado seed, and its major acetogenin components, and compare […]
‘Portion control and resealable bags will be the future trends in confectionery’
PostBrexit raw material costs, portion control and resealable bags are key concerns in the current confectionery market climate, according to Scottish private label confectioner Aldomak. In an exclusive interview with the company, which makes tablets, fudge and macaroons, David Lang, production manager and David Clark, quality manager, talk to ConfectioneryNews about what we can expect […]